Monday, May 16, 2016

Peacefully Sitting Here

I was super excited to see a stamp set that was at the very top of my new catalog wish list offered on the pre-order! Sitting Here is a beautiful new set to color featuring not only a pretty kitty but a cute, curled up pup as well! Of course I selected the kitty cat to use on my first creation with this set and colored him a bit like my favorite feline friend Stevie. (who just so happens to be sitting on my lap purring away as I write this post.)

To soften the ropes of the swing and add some interest at the top, I stamped the flowering, leafy image from Awesomely Artistic. This creates such a tranquil scene...I would love to sit on this swing with my kitty and look through the new SU! catalog, wouldn't you?

I used a couple of the new In Colors here...Dapper Denim and Sweet Sugarplum. The new Ruched Ribbon is nice to work with. It's a little stiffer than the Seam Binding Ribbon, which is sadly retiring, but I like the thinner width and more compact bow...which a think will keep it's shape nicer. The added texture is a plus as well.

Here's a photo I took the other day of the aforementioned "favorite feline friend" he relaxed in my desk drawer while I did some computer work. He always has to be near by..."helping me". He's such a sweet boy.

I'm happy to see not just the Sitting Here set that contains a cat image, but a whole entire set called Pretty Kitty which I cannot wait to get from the new catalog!

Thanks for visiting today.


  1. Darling card and KITTY!! Thank you for sharing him with us too! I am a fellow cat lover!

  2. Love your card and the pic of your kitty! I have a little old guy who looks a lot like your cat and he also loves drawers. Found him a couple of times in my husband's socks drawer all nestled in taking a nap. I also have 2 other cats (females who do not like each other very much), so I really love the stamps that have cats in them.

  3. Stevie is sooo handsome! Love, love love this beautiful card!

  4. So beautiful! Your kitty is gorgeous!

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    How did you ever get the pillow and the cat to look so blended in to the swing? Did you cut them out? Or did you mask then stamp? I just love this card and would love to CASE it for my card class next month. This is perfection to me!

  6. Thanks for all the nice comments! :-)

    Robin, I fussy cut both the cat and the pillow.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment...I really appreciate it! Have a great day!